Exploring an Abandoned Children's Hospital in New York

bedframe in the window of abandoned hospital in new york

There's something about the quiet decay of forgotten spaces that speaks to me as a photographer. Maybe it's the stories lingering in the dusty rooms or how nature subtly reclaims what was once built by human hands. Whatever the reason, that fascination fuels my explorations – abandoned hospitals, abandoned schools, and abandoned mansions hold unique experiences.

This is what led me to an imposing abandoned hospital in New York a few years ago. This place, surrounded by a tall security gate, took on a fortress-like feel during the winter, as snow covered the ground. I was excited to discover what lay within.

Finding Our Way Inside

My partner and I found a potential way into the building via a wooded area behind the structure. The trees led to a ditch encircling the building, which looked like a difficult climb down and back up the snowy, slippery slopes. We went for it, carefully sliding down. 

On the way up out of the ditch, things became more challenging. It was impossible to walk up the wet and muddy incline, which was essentially vertical. I pulled myself up on my stomach instead, fighting for every inch by clinging on to the trees. 

Just when I thought we were close to the top, the tree I grabbed gave way, ripping up from the ground. I fell back down the slope, narrowly avoiding hitting my partner. It was a setback, but I thought, “We’re so close to getting into this building! I’m not stopping.” So, I started the climb again. Finally, exhausted but determined, we made it to the top.

Around the entire perimeter of the building, we found that the windows and doors were firmly shut. It was starting to look like all our efforts had been for nothing! As a last-ditch attempt, we tried the entrance at the front. Our bet paid off – the door to the abandoned hospital was open and we slipped in.

graffiti windows in sunroom of abandoned hospital in new york

Exploring the Abandoned Hospital

After the difficult climb to get inside the abandoned building, we moved through the decaying hospital wards. The contrast between the bustling life it once harbored and its current state of quiet decay was striking. It was easy to imagine the echoes of children's chatter and the hustle and bustle of medical staff. Now, every rusted bed frame, every crumbling wall, and each piece of peeling paint seemed to hold a story, a memory of days long gone by.

We spent a few hours taking photos. We tried to stay quiet and hidden, away from the windows, as there was a busy, active campus just next door. It worked – nobody spotted us in the abandoned building.

Exploring forgotten places usually includes a bit of nervous energy, but this felt different. That feeling of "how will we get out?" lingered the whole time, as I contemplated the ditch and its snowy banks.

stool in decaying hallway in abandoned hospital in new york
record player in the sunroom of abandoned hospital new york

Leaving and Being Seen

We left via the same front door we used to get in. My partner noticed the main gate was open – the fire department was conducting activities and going in and out of the abandoned building. We walked out of the gate and started walking through the active part of campus, before heading home. 


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