How to Get Started with Urbex Photography: My Journey, Tips and Reflections

Piano in Crafter Abandoned Mansion

Urban exploration, or "urbex," is a blend of strategy, adventure and the unknown, where the past and the present intersect. For me, it's about discovering the hidden stories in abandoned places, capturing the way nature reclaims what humans have left behind. Through my lens, I aim to document this powerful narrative of decay and rebirth. 

In this blog, I'll share insights into my journey as an urbex photographer, the allure of these forgotten spaces, and how nature plays a central role in transforming them.

The Draw of Abandoned Spaces

What is it about crumbling structures and derelict sites that draw urban explorers in? For me, it's the call of the unknown and the stories these places hold. Abandoned homes, hospitals, churches, and schools were once filled with life, and now they stand silent, waiting for someone to rediscover their histories. 

My approach to urbex photography is about telling the stories of these places, showcasing their architectural beauty, and the emotions they evoke. Whether it's a tree growing through the floor of an old factory or moss adorning the walls of a forgotten church, these scenes illustrate the power of human imagination, the unstoppable force of nature and the march of time. 

The Art of Urbex Photography

Urbex photography requires a keen eye for detail and a deep respect for each and every location. I always adhere to the principle of ethical exploration—never disturbing, breaking, or taking anything from the sites. The "leave no trace" rule is crucial, ensuring that these historical landmarks remain preserved for others to appreciate.

In my work, I often focus on specific elements within these spaces—like the intricate designs of abandoned staircases, the haunting beauty of old shoes, or the way nature reclaims the site over time. Through photography, I focus on these seemingly ordinary objects, enjoying turning them into subjects, each contributing to the broader narrative of the place's history.

Tips for Aspiring Urbex Photographers

  1. Research and Planning: Before visiting a location, I always do thorough research on its history and any potential hazards. Understanding the site's background can guide your creative approach and help you capture its essence more effectively. It can also help you with your plan for entering and exiting the space. 

  2. Safety First: Abandoned buildings can be unpredictable and sometimes dangerous. Always prioritize safety by wearing appropriate clothing (especially good shoes!), watching your step, and exploring with others who are focused on safety..

  3. Respect the Space: Remember the "leave no trace" principle. Don't remove anything from the site or disturb the environment. Our goal is to document, not alter.

  4. Equipment Choices: A good camera with a wide-angle lens is ideal for capturing the expansive interiors of abandoned buildings. And most of these places are dark - so a tripod is a must.  

  5. Creative Composition: Look for unique angles and perspectives. Focusing on contrasts—between decay and remaining beauty, past and present—can add depth to your photos.

Abandoned Artist House - Urbex

Finding an Urbex Site 

Finding locations for urbex photography is all about research, legwork and curiosity. Research can be invaluable; searching maps, local history and online archives can reveal forgotten places worth exploring. Oftentimes, you can find places just by exploring your area. Anytime I drive by an old building that looks interesting, I pin it in Google Maps and then research it later.  

You’d be surprised what you can find by just paying attention to your surroundings. You can also explore online communities and forums dedicated to urban exploration, where fellow enthusiasts may share tips about interesting spots. 

Most explorers are reluctant to share locations directly, though, because plenty of people out there don’t respect these buildings.  Remember to always respect these sites' histories and don’t share exact locations publicly. This helps protect them from vandalism and overcrowding.

How to find an Urbex location - Nelson Ghost Town


Urbex photography offers a unique and powerful way to connect with history and explore the unknown. For me, it's a passion that blends art, adventure, and storytelling. Whether you're a seasoned explorer or new to the world of urban exploration, there's always something new to discover in the shadows of these forgotten places.


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Taking Pictures in the Shadows: My Journey with Urbex Photography